Class MkdocsTemplate
class MkdocsTemplate(Template)
A template to bootstrap an MkDocs build using Novella. It will set up actions to copy files from the
content_directory and the mkdocs.yml
config relative to the Novella configuration file (if the
configuration file exists).
This template registers the following options:
--serve Use mkdocs serve --port The port to serve under (defaults to 8000). --site-dir Build directory for MkDocs (defaults to "_site") --base-url The base URL to prefix to autogenerated link inside the documentation.
This template produces the following actions:
– A CopyFilesAction that copies the content_directory and themkdocs.yml
(if it exists) to the build directory.mkdocs-update-config
– AMkdocsApplyDefaultAction
to create or update the MkDocs configuraton file.preprocess-markdown
– An instance of the MarkdownPreprocessorAction. i. {@link pydoc:novella.markdown.tags.anchor.AnchorTagProcessor.flavor} is set to an {@link pydoc:novella.markdown.flavor.MkDocsFlavor} instance, and the prefix is set to base_url.mkdocs-run
– A RunAction that invokes MkDocs.
If the --serve
option is provided, the template enables file watching for everything copied by the
action and marks the mkdocs-run
as reload-capable, allowing for a seemless live editing experience
while using Novella as a preprocessor.
template "mkdocs"
action "mkdocs-update-config" {
site_name = "My documentation"
action "preprocess-markdown" {
use "pydoc"
The directory that contains the MkDocs context. Defaults to content/
The base URL at which the documentation will be hosted.
Class MkdocsUpdateConfigAction
class MkdocsUpdateConfigAction(Action)
An action to update the MkDocs configuration file, or create one if the user did not provide it.
The following configuration serves as the default configuration if the user did not provide an MkDocs configuration of their own. If a configuration file is already present, it will be updated such that top-level keys that don't exist in the provided configuration are set to the one present in the default below.
To disable this behaviour, set apply_defaults to False
Available default profiles:
docs_dir: content
site_name: My documentation
name: material
- navigation.indexes
- navigation.instant
- navigation.sections
- navigation.tracking
- toc.follow
- admonition
- markdown.extensions.extra
- meta
- pymdownx.betterem
- pymdownx.caret
- pymdownx.details
- pymdownx.highlight
- pymdownx.inlinehilite
- pymdownx.keys
- pymdownx.mark
- pymdownx.smartsymbols
- pymdownx.superfences
- pymdownx.tabbed: { alternate_style: true }
- pymdownx.tasklist: { custom_checkbox: true }
- pymdownx.tilde
docs_dir: content
site_name: My documentation
name: readthedocs
highlightjs: true
- python
- toml
- yaml
include_homepage_in_sidebar: true
sticky_navigation: true
- admonition
- markdown.extensions.extra
- meta
Check out the the Material for MkDocs // Setup
documentation for more information. Other common theme features to enable are toc.integrate
and navigation.tabs
Whether to apply the template to the MkDocs configuration (shown above).
Deprecated; use profile instead.
The configuration profile to apply. Set to None
to not update the MkDocs config.
The MkDocs site_name
to inject. Will override an existing site name if not present in the MkDocs configuration.
Whether to autodetect the Git repository URL and inject it into the MkDocs configuration. Enabled by default. If the repository URL is already configured, it will do nothing.
The content directory that contains the MkDocs source files. This is used only to construct the edit URI if autodetect_repo_url is enabled. This passed through by the MkdocsTemplate automatically.
def update(json_path: str,
add: t.Any = NotSet.Value,
set: t.Any = NotSet.Value,
do: t.Callable[[t.Any], t.Any] | None = None) -> None
A helper function to update a value in the MkDocs configuration by either setting it to the value specified to the set argument or by adding to it (e.g. updating it if it is a dictionary or summing them in case of other values like strings or lists) the value of add. The do operation can also be used to perform an action on the existing value at json_path, but the value must be directly mutated and already exist in the configuration.
Note that the json_path argument is treated very simplisticly and does not support wildcards or
indexing. The string must begin with $
. Quotes in keys are not supported either.
template "mkdocs"
action "mkdocs-update-config" {
site_name = "My documentation"
update '$.theme.features' add: ['toc.integrate', 'navigation.tabs']
update '$.theme.palette' set: {'primary': 'black', 'accent': 'amber'}
def update_with(func: t.Callable[[dict[str, t.Any]], t.Any]) -> None
Adds a callback that can modify the MkDocs config before it is updated.