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Environment variables

This page summarizes all environment variables that are used by Nyl.

  • NYL_LOG_LEVEL – The log level to use if --log-level is not specified. Defaults to info. Used by: nyl.
  • NYL_PROFILE – The name of the profile to use as defined in the closest nyl-profiles.yaml or nyl-project.yaml configuration file. Used by: nyl profile, nyl template, nyl tun.
  • NYL_SECRETS – The name of the secrets provider to use as defined in the closest nyl-secrets.yaml or nyl-project.yaml configuration file. Used by: nyl secrets, nyl template.
  • NYL_STATE_DIR – The directory where Nyl stores its state, such as current profile data, which may include fetched Kubeconfig file. Defaults to .nyl relative to the nyl-project.yaml or the current working directory. Used by: nyl profile, nyl template, nyl tun.
  • NYL_CACHE_DIR – The directory where Nyl stores its cache, such as downloaded Helm charts and cloned repositories. Defaults to cache/ relative to the NYL_STATE_DIR. Used by nyl template.
  • ARGOCD_ENV_NYL_CMP_TEMPLATE_INPUT — This variable is only recognized by nyl template when the only positional argument it receives is . (i.e. the current working directory). The variable should be a comma-separated list of filenames that should be treated as if the files were passed as arguments to nyl template instead. This is used for the Nyl ArgoCD plugin to allow specifying exactly which files should be templated as part of an ArgoCD application.
  • KUBE_VERSION – The version of the Kubernetes cluster. If this is not set, Nyl will try to query the Kubernetes API server to determine the version. When used as an ArgoCD plugin, this variable is usually available 1. Used by: nyl template.
  • KUBE_API_VERSIONS – A comma-separated list of all available API versions in the cluster. If this is not set, Nyl will try to query the Kubernetes API server to determine the versions. When used as an ArgoCD plugin, this variable is usually available 1. Used by: nyl template.