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Module: pydoc_markdown.contrib.processors.crossref

Class CrossrefProcessor

class CrossrefProcessor(Processor)


Finds references to other objects in Markdown docstrings and produces links to other pages. The links are provided by the current Renderer via the Resolver interface.

Note: This processor is a work in progress, and most of the time it just converts references into inline-code.

The syntax for cross references is as follows:

This is a ref to another class: [PydocmdProcessor](#pydoc:pydoc_markdown.contrib.processors.pydocmd.PydocmdProcessor)
You can rename a ref like `this`~PydocmdProcessor
And you can append to the ref name like this: [PydocmdProcessors](#pydoc:pydoc_markdown.contrib.processors.pydocmd.PydocmdProcessor)

Renders as

This is a ref to another class: PydocmdProcessor You can rename a ref like this~PydocmdProcessor And you can append to the ref name like this: PydocmdProcessors

Example configuration:

  - type: crossref


If specified, it will be used instead of the resolver passed to process() and the generated Markdown code for the reference uses Novella {@link } syntax.

Module: pydoc_markdown.contrib.processors.filter

Class FilterProcessor

class FilterProcessor(Processor)


The filter processor removes module and class members based on certain criteria.

Example configuration:

- type: filter
  expression: not name.startswith('_') and default()
  documented_only: false



A Python expression that is evaluated given the variables name, obj and default and is expected to return a boolean to indicate whether the docspec.ApiObject should be kept or removed. If specified, the expression is the ultimate truth for determining the keep-or-remove state of a node. Using 'default()' as the expression has the same semantic as not specifying this field. Default: null


Keep only API objects that have docstrings. Default: true


Exclude API objects that appear to be private members (i.e. their name begins with and underscore but does not end with one). Default: true


Exclude special members (e.g.__path__, __annotations__, __name__ and __all__). Default: true


Do not filter docspec.Module objects. Default: true


Skip modules with no content. Default: false.


Class GoogleProcessor

class GoogleProcessor(Processor)


This class implements the preprocessor for Google and PEP 257 docstrings. It converts docstrings formatted in the Google docstyle to Markdown syntax.




    module_level_variable1 (int): Module level variables may be documented in
        either the ``Attributes`` section of the module docstring, or in an
        inline docstring immediately following the variable.

        Either form is acceptable, but the two should not be mixed. Choose
        one convention to document module level variables and be consistent
        with it.

    * For module TODOs
    * You have to also use ``sphinx.ext.todo`` extension

Renders as:


  • module_level_variable1 int - Module level variables may be documented in either the Attributes section of the module docstring, or in an inline docstring immediately following the variable.

Either form is acceptable, but the two should not be mixed. Choose one convention to document module level variables and be consistent with it.


  • For module TODOs
  • You have to also use sphinx.ext.todo extension

Module: pydoc_markdown.contrib.processors.pydocmd

Class PydocmdProcessor

class PydocmdProcessor(Processor)


The Pydoc-Markdown processor for Markdown docstrings. This processor parses docstrings formatted like the examples below and turns them into proper Markdown markup.


# Arguments

arg1 (int): The first argument.
kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments.

# Raises
RuntimeError: If something bad happens.
ValueError: If an invalid argument is specified.

# Returns
A value.

Renders as:


  • arg1 (int): The first argument.
  • kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments.


  • RuntimeError: If something bad happens.
  • ValueError: If an invalid argument is specified.


A value.


Class SmartProcessor

class SmartProcessor(Processor)


This processor picks the GoogleProcessor, SphinxProcessor or PydocmdProcessor after guessing which is appropriate from the syntax it finds in the docstring.

Module: pydoc_markdown.contrib.processors.sphinx

Class SphinxProcessor

class SphinxProcessor(Processor)


This processor parses ReST/Sphinx-style function documentation and converts it into

Markdown syntax.



- `arg1`: This is the first argument.
- `arg1`: This is the first argument.


- `ValueError`: If *arg1* is a bad value.
- `ValueError`: If *arg1* is a bad value.


An `int` that represents an interesting value.

Renders as: