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Class Location

class Location()


Represents the location of an ApiObject by a filename and line number.


If the location of an entity spans over multiple lines, it can be indicated by specifying at which line it ends with this property.

Class HasLocation

class HasLocation()


Base class for objects that have a Location.

Class Docstring

class Docstring(HasLocation)


Represents a docstring for an APIObject, i.e. it's content and location. This class is a subclass of str for backwards compatibility reasons. Use the content property to access the docstring content over the Docstring value directory.


The location of where the docstring is defined.


The content of the docstring. While the Docstring class is a subclass of str and holds the same value as content, using the content property should be preferred as the inheritance from the str class may be removed in future versions.

Class Decoration

class Decoration(HasLocation)


Represents a decorator on a Class or Function.


The location of the decoration in the source code.


The name of the decorator (i.e. the text between the @ and (). In languages that support it, this may be a piece of code.


Decorator arguments as plain code (including the leading and trailing parentheses). This is None when the decorator does not have call arguments. This is deprecated in favor of arglist. For backwards compatibility, loaders may populate both the args and arglist fields.


Decorator arguments, one item per argument. For keyword arguments, the keyword name and equals sign preceed the argument value expression code.

Class Argument

class Argument(HasLocation)


Represents a Function argument.

Class Type

class Type(enum.Enum)


The type of the argument. This is currently very Python-centric, however most other languages should be able to represent the various argument types with a subset of these types without additions (e.g. Java or TypeScript only support Positional and PositionalRemainder arguments).


A positional only argument. Such arguments are denoted in Python like this: def foo(a, b, /): ...


A positional argument, which may also be given as a keyword argument. Basically that is just a normal argument as you would see most commonly in Python function definitions.


An argument that denotes the capture of additional positional arguments, aka. "args" or "varags".


A keyword-only argument is denoted in Python like thisL def foo(*, kwonly): ...


An argument that captures additional keyword arguments, aka. "kwargs".


The location of the argument in the source code.


The name of the argument.


The argument type.


A list of argument decorations. Python does not actually support decorators on function arguments like for example Java does. This is probably premature to add into the API, but hey, here it is.


The datatype/type annotation of this argument as a code string.


The default value of the argument as a code string.

Class ApiObject

class ApiObject(HasLocation)


The base class for representing "API Objects". Any API object is any addressable entity in code, be that a variable/constant, function, class or module.


The location of the API object, i.e. where it is sourced from/defined in the code.


The name of the entity. This is usually relative to the respective parent of the entity, as opposed to it's fully qualified name/absolute name. However, that is more of a recommendation than rule. For example the docspec_python loader by default returns Module objects with their full module name (and does not create a module hierarchy).


The documentation string of the API object.


def parent() -> t.Optional["HasMembers"]


Returns the parent of the HasMembers. Note that if you make any modifications to the API object tree, you will need to call sync_hierarchy() afterwards because adding to Class.members or Module.members does not automatically keep the parent property in sync.


def path() -> t.List["ApiObject"]


Returns a list of all of this API object's parents, from top to bottom. The list includes self as the last item.


def sync_hierarchy(parent: t.Optional["HasMembers"] = None) -> None


Synchronize the hierarchy of this API object and all of it's children. This should be called when the HasMembers.members are updated to ensure that all child objects reference the right parent. Loaders are expected to return ApiObjects in a fully synchronized state such that the user does not have to call this method unless they are doing modifications to the tree.

Class VariableSemantic

class VariableSemantic(enum.Enum)


A list of well-known properties and behaviour that can be attributed to a variable/constant.


The Variable object is an instance variable of a class.


The Variable object is a static variable of a class.


The Variable object represents a constant value.

Class Variable

class Variable(ApiObject)


Represents a variable assignment (e.g. for global variables (often used as constants) or class members).


The datatype associated with the assignment as code.


The value of the variable as code.


A list of language-specific modifiers that were used to declare this Variable object.


A list of hints that express semantics of this Variable object which are not otherwise derivable from the context.

Class Indirection

class Indirection(ApiObject)


Represents an imported name. It can be used to properly find the full name target of a link written with a local name.

Class FunctionSemantic

class FunctionSemantic(enum.Enum)


A list of well-known properties and behaviour that can be attributed to a function.


The function is abstract.


The function is final.


The function is a coroutine.


The function does not return.


The function is an instance method.


The function is a classmethod.


The function is a staticmethod.


The function is a property getter.


The function is a property setter.


The function is a property deleter.

Class Function

class Function(ApiObject)


Represents a function definition. This can be in a Module for plain functions or in a Class for methods. The decorations need to be introspected to understand if the function has a special purpose (e.g. is it a @property, @classmethod or @staticmethod?).


A list of modifiers used in the function definition. For example, the only valid modifier in Python is "async".


A list of the function arguments.


The return type of the function as a code string.


A list of decorations used on the function.


A list of hints that describe the object.

Class HasMembers

class HasMembers(ApiObject)


Base class for API objects that can have members, e.g. Class and Module.


The members of the API object.

Class ClassSemantic

class ClassSemantic(enum.Enum)


A list of well-known properties and behaviour that can be attributed to a class.


The class describes an interface.


The class is abstract.


The class is final.


The class is an enumeration.

Class Class

class Class(HasMembers)


Represents a class definition.


The metaclass used in the class definition as a code string.


The list of base classes as code strings.


A list of decorations used in the class definition.


A list of the classes members. Functions in a class are to be considered instance methods of that class unless some information about the Function indicates otherwise.


A list of language-specific modifiers that were used to declare this Variable object.


A list of hints that describe the object.

Class Module

class Module(HasMembers)


Represents a module, basically a named container for code/API objects. Modules may be nested in other modules. Be aware that for historical reasons, some loaders lile docspec_python by default do not return nested modules, even if nesting would be appropriate (and instead the simply contains the fully qualified name).


A list of module members.


def load_module(source: t.Union[str, t.TextIO, t.Dict[str, t.Any]],
                filename: t.Optional[str] = None,
                loader: t.Callable[[t.IO[str]], t.Any] = json.load) -> Module


Loads a Module from the specified source, which may be either a filename, a file-like object to read from or plain structured data.


  • source: The JSON source to load the module from.
  • filename: The name of the source. This will be displayed in error messages if the deserialization fails.
  • loader: A function for loading plain structured data from a file-like object. Defaults to json.load().


The loaded Module object.


def load_modules(
        source: t.Union[str, t.TextIO, t.Iterable[t.Any]],
        filename: t.Optional[str] = None,
        loader: t.Callable[[t.IO[str]],
                           t.Any] = json.load) -> t.Iterable[Module]


Loads a stream of modules from the specified source. Similar to load_module(), the source can be a filename, file-like object or a list of plain structured data to deserialize from.


def dump_module(
        module: Module,
        target: t.Optional[t.Union[str, t.IO[str]]] = None,
        dumper: t.Callable[[t.Any, t.IO[str]], None] = json.dump,
        serialize_defaults: bool = False) -> t.Optional[t.Dict[str, t.Any]]


Dumps a module to the specified target or returns it as plain structured data.


  • module: The module to dump.
  • target: The target to dump to. If None, the module will be returned as plain structured data.
  • dumper: A function for dumping plain structured data to a file-like object. Defaults to json.dump().
  • serialize_defaults: If True, default values will be serialized into the payload. Otherwise, they will be omitted. Defaults to False.


def filter_visit(objects: t.MutableSequence[ApiObject],
                 predicate: t.Callable[[ApiObject], bool],
                 order: str = "pre") -> t.MutableSequence[ApiObject]


Visits all objects recursively, applying the predicate in the specified order. If

the predicate returrns False, the object will be removed from it's containing list.

If an object is removed in pre-order, it's members will not be visited.


  • objects: A list of objects to visit recursively. This list will be modified if the predicate returns False for an object.
  • predicate: The function to apply over all visited objects.
  • order: The order in which the objects are visited. The default order is 'pre' in which case the predicate is called before visiting the object's members. The order may also be 'post'.


def visit(objects: t.Sequence[ApiObject],
          func: t.Callable[[ApiObject], t.Any],
          order: str = "pre") -> None


Visits all objects, applying func in the specified order.


def get_member(obj: ApiObject, name: str) -> t.Optional[ApiObject]


Generic function to retrieve a member from an API object. This will always return None for objects that don't support members (eg. Function and Variable).