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Docspec Changelog

2.2.1 (2023-05-28)

Fix Fix databind dependency names. The packages are named `databind.core` and `databind.json`, respectively, and referencing with a `-` instead (the normalized form) can fail in older Python versions (3.7 - 3.9, it seems) when using the `pkg_resources` module (example error: `pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: The 'databind-json<5.0.0,>=4.2.6' distribution was not found and is required by docspec`).@NiklasRosenstein

2.2.0 (2023-05-28)

Improvement Upgrade to databind `4.2.6`@NiklasRosenstein
Feature Add `dump_module(serialize_defaults)` parameter@NiklasRosenstein

2.1.2 (2023-03-15)

Improvement Introduce `HasLocation` base class which now serves as the base for `Docstring`, `Decoration`, `Argument` and `ApiObject`.@NiklasRosenstein

2.0.0a1 (2022-02-24)

Fix update `specification.yml` to show correct types of `Argument.location`, `Decoration.location` and `Module.location`NiklasRosenstein/docspec#56NiklasRosenstein/docspec#52@NiklasRosenstein
Breaking change remove deprecated class `ReverseMap`NiklasRosenstein/docspec#63@NiklasRosenstein
Breaking change `Docstring` class no longer inherits from `str` and is no longer frozenNiklasRosenstein/docspec#64NiklasRosenstein/docspec#49@NiklasRosenstein
Breaking change rename `Data` to `Variable`NiklasRosenstein/docspec#68NiklasRosenstein/docspec#67@NiklasRosenstein
Hygiene move `VariableSemantic`, `FunctionSemantic` and `ClassSemantic` into global scope@NiklasRosenstein
Improvement `filter_visit()` and `visit()` now expect a `MutableSequence` instead of `List`@NiklasRosenstein
Hygiene remove `files` argument from `load_python_modules()`@NiklasRosenstein
Improvement declare two overloads for `parse_python_module()` for reading from a filename or a file-like object@NiklasRosenstein
Breaking change `Location.filename` is no longer optional as per the specification@NiklasRosenstein
Breaking change harden requirements of spec by requiring a `location` even on `Decoration` and `Argument` objects, and the location is no longer optional. Rearrange the argument the Python classes such that the `location` argument comes first, alwaysNiklasRosenstein/docspec#70@NiklasRosenstein
Breaking change remove `file` argument from `docspec-python` CLINiklasRosenstein/docspec#70@NiklasRosenstein

1.2.0 (2021-09-24)

Feature add `Data.modifiers`, `Data.semantic_hints`, `Class.modifiers`, `Class.semantic_hints` and `Function.semantic_hints`NiklasRosenstein/docspec#30@NiklasRosenstein
Improvement rename `Argument.Type` enumeration values to `UPPER_CASE` format according to latest specification (full backwards compatibility, including deserializing JSON payloads with the old argument type names)@NiklasRosenstein
Feature add `Argument.location` and `Decoration.location` propertiesNiklasRosenstein/docspec#28@NiklasRosenstein
Feature add `Location.endlineno` property to specNiklasRosenstein/docspec#32@NiklasRosenstein
Improvement add `Decoration.arglist`, document that `Decoration.args` is deprecated@NiklasRosenstein

1.1.0 (2021-08-27)

Feature add `ApiObject.parent` and `ApiObject.path` to deprecate `ReverseMap` class@NiklasRosenstein
Feature add `ApiObject.sync_hierarchy()` method@NiklasRosenstein
Feature introduce `HasMembers` base class for `Class` and `Module`, `Module.members` can now container other modulesNiklasRosenstein/docspec#15@NiklasRosenstein
Improvement `get_member()` and `filter_visit()` have been updated to make use of the `HasMembers` base class instead of relying on `hasattr()`/`getattr()`@NiklasRosenstein
Feature add `Indirection` class to keep track of imports and resolve names correctly.@tristanlatr
Feature add `Docstring` class which represents the docstring, plus the location of the docstring@NiklasRosenstein

1.0.2 (2021-07-29)

Fix Add some type annotationsNiklasRosenstein/docspec#14@tristanlatr

1.0.1 (2021-07-22)

Fix `docspec.get_members()` access object members wrong@NiklasRosenstein

1.0.0 (2021-07-21)

Breaking change Migrate to using `databind.core 1.x` and `databind.json 1.x` from `nr.databind.core` and `nr.databind.json`.@NiklasRosenstein

0.2.1 (2021-02-21)

Fix fix dependencies@NiklasRosenstein

0.2.0 (2020-07-06)

Improvement `ApiObject` constructors now accept keyword arguments only@NiklasRosenstein
Improvement All `nullable` fields now have `default=None`@NiklasRosenstein
Improvement Many serializable classes are now decorated with `SkipDefaults()`@NiklasRosenstein