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Bases: TypeHint

Represents the Annotated type hint.

Source code in typeapi/
class AnnotatedTypeHint(TypeHint):
    """Represents the `Annotated` type hint."""

    def args(self) -> Tuple[Any, ...]:
        return (self._args[0],)

    def _copy_with_args(self, args: "Tuple[Any, ...]") -> "TypeHint":
        assert len(args) == 1
        new_hint = Annotated[args + (self._args[1:])]  # type: ignore
        return AnnotatedTypeHint(new_hint)

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return 1

    def type(self) -> Any:
        Returns the wrapped type of the annotation. It's common to wrap the result in a `TypeHint` to recursively
        introspect the wrapped type.

            >>> TypeHint(Annotated[int, "foobar"]).type
            <class 'int'>

        return self._args[0]

    def metadata(self) -> Tuple[Any, ...]:
        Returns the metadata, i.e. all the parameters after the wrapped type.

            >>> TypeHint(Annotated[int, "foobar"]).metadata

        return self._args[1:]
metadata property
metadata: Tuple[Any, ...]

Returns the metadata, i.e. all the parameters after the wrapped type.

>>> TypeHint(Annotated[int, "foobar"]).metadata
type property
type: Any

Returns the wrapped type of the annotation. It's common to wrap the result in a TypeHint to recursively introspect the wrapped type.

>>> TypeHint(Annotated[int, "foobar"]).type
<class 'int'>


Bases: TypeHint

Represents a real, possibly parameterized, type. For example int, list, list[int] or list[T].

Source code in typeapi/
class ClassTypeHint(TypeHint):
    """Represents a real, possibly parameterized, type. For example `int`, `list`, `list[int]` or `list[T]`."""

    def __init__(self, hint: object, source: "Any | None" = None) -> None:
        super().__init__(hint, source)
        if not is_new_type(hint):
            assert isinstance(self.hint, type) or isinstance(self.origin, type), (
                "ClassTypeHint must be initialized from a real type or a generic that points to a real type. "
                f'Got "{self.hint!r}" with origin "{self.origin}"'

    def parameterize(self, parameter_map: Mapping[object, Any]) -> "TypeHint":
        if self.type is Generic:  # type: ignore[comparison-overlap]
            return self
        return super().parameterize(parameter_map)

    def type(self) -> type:
        """Returns the concrepte type."""

        if isinstance(self.origin, type):
            return self.origin
        if isinstance(self.hint, type):
            return self.hint
        if is_new_type(self.hint):
            return self.hint.__supertype__
        assert False, "ClassTypeHint not initialized from a real type or a generic that points to a real type."

    def bases(self) -> "Tuple[Any, ...]":
        Return the bases of the classes' types. If the type is a generic, the bases of the generic's origin are
        returned in their parameterized form (e.g. `Generic[T]` instead of `Generic` is returned).

        return get_type_hint_original_bases(self.type) or self.type.__bases__

    def get_parameter_map(self) -> Dict[Any, Any]:
        Returns a dictionary that maps generic parameters to their values.

            >>> TypeHint(List[int]).type
            <class 'list'>
            >>> TypeHint(List[int]).args
            (<class 'int'>,)

            # NOTE(@niklas): This is a bug for built-in types, but it's not that big of a deal because we don't
            #       usually need to recursively expand forward references in these types.
            >>> TypeHint(List[int]).parameters
            >>> TypeHint(List[int]).get_parameter_map()

            >>> T = TypeVar("T")
            >>> class A(Generic[T]): pass
            >>> TypeHint(A[int]).get_parameter_map()
            {~T: <class 'int'>}

        if not self.args:
            return {}
        # We need to look at the parameters of the original, un-parameterized type. That's why we can't
        # use self.parameters.
        return dict(zip(TypeHint(self.type).parameters, self.args))

    def recurse_bases(
        self, order: Literal["dfs", "bfs"] = "bfs"
    ) -> Generator["ClassTypeHint", Union[Literal["skip"], None], None]:
        Iterate over all base classes of this type hint, and continues recursively. The iteration order is
        determined by the *order* parameter, which can be either depth-first or breadh-first. If the generator
        receives the string `"skip"` from the caller, it will skip the bases of the last yielded type.

        # Find the item type in the base classes of the collection type.
        bases = deque([self])

        while bases:
            current = bases.popleft()
            if not isinstance(current, ClassTypeHint):
                raise RuntimeError(
                    f"Expected to find a ClassTypeHint in the base classes of {self!r}, found {current!r} instead."

            response = yield current
            if response == "skip":

            current_bases = cast(
                [TypeHint(x, current.type).evaluate().parameterize(current.get_parameter_map()) for x in current.bases],

            if order == "bfs":
            elif order == "dfs":
                raise ValueError(f"Invalid order {order!r}")
bases property
bases: Tuple[Any, ...]

Return the bases of the classes' types. If the type is a generic, the bases of the generic's origin are returned in their parameterized form (e.g. Generic[T] instead of Generic is returned).

type property
type: type

Returns the concrepte type.

get_parameter_map() -> Dict[Any, Any]

Returns a dictionary that maps generic parameters to their values.

>>> TypeHint(List[int]).type
<class 'list'>
>>> TypeHint(List[int]).args
(<class 'int'>,)

# NOTE(@niklas): This is a bug for built-in types, but it's not that big of a deal because we don't
#       usually need to recursively expand forward references in these types.
>>> TypeHint(List[int]).parameters
>>> TypeHint(List[int]).get_parameter_map()

>>> T = TypeVar("T")
>>> class A(Generic[T]): pass
>>> TypeHint(A[int]).get_parameter_map()
{~T: <class 'int'>}
Source code in typeapi/
def get_parameter_map(self) -> Dict[Any, Any]:
    Returns a dictionary that maps generic parameters to their values.

        >>> TypeHint(List[int]).type
        <class 'list'>
        >>> TypeHint(List[int]).args
        (<class 'int'>,)

        # NOTE(@niklas): This is a bug for built-in types, but it's not that big of a deal because we don't
        #       usually need to recursively expand forward references in these types.
        >>> TypeHint(List[int]).parameters
        >>> TypeHint(List[int]).get_parameter_map()

        >>> T = TypeVar("T")
        >>> class A(Generic[T]): pass
        >>> TypeHint(A[int]).get_parameter_map()
        {~T: <class 'int'>}

    if not self.args:
        return {}
    # We need to look at the parameters of the original, un-parameterized type. That's why we can't
    # use self.parameters.
    return dict(zip(TypeHint(self.type).parameters, self.args))
recurse_bases(order: Literal['dfs', 'bfs'] = 'bfs') -> Generator[ClassTypeHint, Union[Literal['skip'], None], None]

Iterate over all base classes of this type hint, and continues recursively. The iteration order is determined by the order parameter, which can be either depth-first or breadh-first. If the generator receives the string "skip" from the caller, it will skip the bases of the last yielded type.

Source code in typeapi/
def recurse_bases(
    self, order: Literal["dfs", "bfs"] = "bfs"
) -> Generator["ClassTypeHint", Union[Literal["skip"], None], None]:
    Iterate over all base classes of this type hint, and continues recursively. The iteration order is
    determined by the *order* parameter, which can be either depth-first or breadh-first. If the generator
    receives the string `"skip"` from the caller, it will skip the bases of the last yielded type.

    # Find the item type in the base classes of the collection type.
    bases = deque([self])

    while bases:
        current = bases.popleft()
        if not isinstance(current, ClassTypeHint):
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"Expected to find a ClassTypeHint in the base classes of {self!r}, found {current!r} instead."

        response = yield current
        if response == "skip":

        current_bases = cast(
            [TypeHint(x, current.type).evaluate().parameterize(current.get_parameter_map()) for x in current.bases],

        if order == "bfs":
        elif order == "dfs":
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid order {order!r}")


Bases: TypeHint

Represents a ClassVar type hint.

Source code in typeapi/
class ClassVarTypeHint(TypeHint):
    """Represents a `ClassVar` type hint."""

    def __init__(self, hint: object, source: "Any | None" = None) -> None:
        super().__init__(hint, source)
        if hasattr(self.hint, "__type__"):  # Python <3.10? (Maybe lower)
            if self.hint.__type__ is not None:  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
                self._args = (self.hint.__type__,)  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
                self._args = ()

    def _copy_with_args(self, args: Tuple[Any, ...]) -> TypeHint:
        assert len(args) == 1, "a ClassVar type hint requires exactly one argument"
        return ClassVarTypeHint(ClassVar[args[0]])


Bases: TypeHint

Represents a forward reference, i.e. a string in the type annotation or an explicit ForwardRef.

Source code in typeapi/
class ForwardRefTypeHint(TypeHint):
    """Represents a forward reference, i.e. a string in the type annotation or an explicit `ForwardRef`."""

    def __init__(self, hint: object, source: "Any | None") -> None:
        super().__init__(hint, source)
        if isinstance(self._hint, str):
            self._forward_ref = ForwardRef(self._hint)
        elif isinstance(self._hint, ForwardRef):
            self._forward_ref = self._hint
            raise TypeError(
                f"ForwardRefTypeHint must be initialized from a typing.ForwardRef or str. Got: {type(self._hint)!r}"

    def parameterize(self, parameter_map: Mapping[object, Any]) -> TypeHint:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "ForwardRef cannot be parameterized. Ensure that your type hint is fully "
            "evaluated before parameterization."

    def evaluate(self, context: "HasGetitem[str, Any] | None" = None) -> TypeHint:
        from .future.fake import FakeProvider

        if context is None:
            context = self.get_context()

        hint = FakeProvider(context).execute(self.expr).evaluate()
        return TypeHint(hint).evaluate(context)

    def hint(self) -> "ForwardRef | str":
        """Returns the original type hint."""
        return self._hint  # type: ignore

    def ref(self) -> ForwardRef:
        """Same as `hint`, but returns it as a `ForwardRef` always."""
        return self._forward_ref

    def expr(self) -> str:
        Returns the expression of the forward reference.

            >>> TypeHint(ForwardRef("Foobar")).expr
            >>> TypeHint(TypeHint(List["Foobar"]).args[0]).expr

        return self._forward_ref.__forward_arg__
expr property
expr: str

Returns the expression of the forward reference.

>>> TypeHint(ForwardRef("Foobar")).expr
>>> TypeHint(TypeHint(List["Foobar"]).args[0]).expr
hint property
hint: ForwardRef | str

Returns the original type hint.

ref property
ref: ForwardRef

Same as hint, but returns it as a ForwardRef always.


Bases: TypeHint

Represents a literal type hint, e.g. Literal["a", 42].

Source code in typeapi/
class LiteralTypeHint(TypeHint):
    """Represents a literal type hint, e.g. `Literal["a", 42]`."""

    def args(self) -> Tuple[Any, ...]:
        return ()

    def parameterize(self, parameter_map: Mapping[object, Any]) -> "TypeHint":
        return self

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return 0

    def values(self) -> Tuple[Any, ...]:
        Returns the values of the literal.

            >>> TypeHint(Literal["a", 42]).values
            ('a', 42)

        return self._args
values property
values: Tuple[Any, ...]

Returns the values of the literal.

>>> TypeHint(Literal["a", 42]).values
('a', 42)


Bases: ClassTypeHint

A special class to represent a type hint for a parameterized tuple. This class does not represent a plain tuple type without parameterization.

Source code in typeapi/
class TupleTypeHint(ClassTypeHint):
    A special class to represent a type hint for a parameterized tuple. This class does not represent a plain tuple
    type without parameterization.

    def __init__(self, hint: object, source: "Any | None") -> None:
        super().__init__(hint, source)
        if self._args == ((),):
            self._args = ()
        elif self._args == () and self._hint == tuple:
            raise ValueError("TupleTypeHint can only represent a parameterized tuple.")
        if ... in self._args:
            assert self._args[-1] == ..., "Tuple Ellipsis not as last arg"
            assert len(self._args) == 2, "Tuple with Ellipsis has more than two args"
            self._repeated = True
            self._args = self._args[:-1]
            self._repeated = False

    def _copy_with_args(self, args: "Tuple[Any, ...]") -> "TypeHint":
        if self._repeated:
            args = args + (...,)
        return super()._copy_with_args(args)

    def type(self) -> type:
        return tuple

    def repeated(self) -> bool:
        Returns `True` if the Tuple is of arbitrary length, but only of one type.

        return self._repeated
repeated property
repeated: bool

Returns True if the Tuple is of arbitrary length, but only of one type.


Bases: TypeHint

Represents a TypeAlias type hint.

Source code in typeapi/
class TypeAliasTypeHint(TypeHint):
    """Represents a `TypeAlias` type hint."""



Bases: object

Base class that provides an object-oriented interface to a Python type hint.

Source code in typeapi/
class TypeHint(object, metaclass=_TypeHintMeta):
    Base class that provides an object-oriented interface to a Python type hint.

    def __init__(self, hint: object, source: "Any | None" = None) -> None:
        self._hint = hint
        self._origin = get_type_hint_origin_or_none(hint)
        self._args = get_type_hint_args(hint)
        self._parameters = get_type_hint_parameters(hint)
        self._source = source

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"TypeHint({type_repr(self._hint)})"

    def hint(self) -> object:
        The original type hint.

        return self._hint

    def origin(self) -> "object | None":
        The original type behind a type hint (e.g. the `Generic.__origin__`). For example, for :class:`typing.List`,
        it is `list`. For :class:`typing.Sequence`, it is :class:``.

        return self._origin

    def args(self) -> Tuple[Any, ...]:
        Type hint arguments are the values passed into type hint subscripts, e.g. in `Union[int, str]`, the
        arguments are `(int, str)`. We only return arguments that are expected to be types or other type hints.
        For example, `Literal["foo", 0]` has an empty tuple for its `args`, and instead the values can be
        retrievd using :attr:`LiteralTypeHint.valuse`.

        return self._args

    def parameters(self) -> Tuple[Any, ...]:
        The parameters of a type hint is basically :attr:`args` but filtered for #typing.TypeVar objects.

        return self._parameters

    def source(self) -> "Any | None":
        The object from which on which the type hint was found, for example a class or a function.

        return self._source

    def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
        if type(self) is not type(other):
            return False
        assert isinstance(other, TypeHint)
        return (self.hint, self.origin, self.args, self.parameters) == (

    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator["TypeHint"]:
        for i in range(len(self.args)):
            yield self[i]

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return len(self.args)

    def __getitem__(self, __index: int) -> "TypeHint": ...

    def __getitem__(self, __slice: slice) -> List["TypeHint"]: ...

    def __getitem__(self, index: "int | slice") -> "TypeHint | List[TypeHint]":
        if isinstance(index, int):
                return TypeHint(self.args[index])
            except IndexError:
                raise IndexError(f"TypeHint index {index} out of range [0..{len(self.args)}[")
            return [TypeHint(x) for x in self.args[index]]

    def _copy_with_args(self, args: "Tuple[Any, ...]") -> "TypeHint":
        Internal. Create a copy of this type hint with updated type arguments.

        generic = get_subscriptable_type_hint_from_origin(self.origin)
            new_hint = generic[args]
        except TypeError as exc:
            raise TypeError(f"{type_repr(generic)}: {exc}")
        return TypeHint(new_hint)

    def parameterize(self, parameter_map: Mapping[object, Any]) -> "TypeHint":
        Replace references to the type variables in the keys of *parameter_map*
        with the type hints of the associated values.

        :param parameter_map: A dictionary that maps :class:`TypeVar` to other
            type hints.

        if self.origin is not None and self.args:
            args = tuple(TypeHint(x).parameterize(parameter_map).hint for x in self.args)
            return self._copy_with_args(args)
            return self

    def evaluate(self, context: "HasGetitem[str, Any] | None" = None) -> "TypeHint":
        Evaluate forward references in the type hint using the given *context*.

        This method supports evaluating forward references that use PEP585 and PEP604 syntax even in older
        versions of Python that do not support the PEPs.

        :param context: An object that supports `__getitem__()` to retrieve a value by name. If this is
            not specified, the globals of the `__module__` of the type hint's source :attr:`source` is
            used instead. If no source exists, a :class:`RuntimeError` is raised.

        if context is None:
            context = self.get_context()

        if self.origin is not None and self.args:
            args = tuple(TypeHint(x).evaluate(context).hint for x in self.args)
            return self._copy_with_args(args)
            return self

    def get_context(self) -> HasGetitem[str, Any]:
        """Return the context for this type hint in which forward references must be evaluated.

        The context is derived from the `source` attribute, which can be either a `ModuleType`, `Mapping` or
        `type`. In case of a `type`, the context is composed of the class scope (to resolve class-level members)
        and the scope of the module that contains the type (looked up in `sys.modules`).

        Raises RuntimeError: If `source` is `None` or has not one of the three supported types.

        if self.source is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"Missing context for {self}.evaluate(), the type hint has no `.source` "
                "to which we could fall back to. Specify the `context` argument or make sure that the type "
                "hint's `.source` is set."
        if isinstance(self.source, ModuleType):
            return vars(self.source)
        if isinstance(self.source, Mapping):
            return self.source
        if isinstance(self.source, type):
            return ChainMap(
                cast(MutableMapping[str, Any], vars(self.source)),
                cast(MutableMapping[str, Any], vars(sys.modules[self.source.__module__])),
        raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to determine TypeHint.source context from source={self.source!r}")
args property
args: Tuple[Any, ...]

Type hint arguments are the values passed into type hint subscripts, e.g. in Union[int, str], the arguments are (int, str). We only return arguments that are expected to be types or other type hints. For example, Literal["foo", 0] has an empty tuple for its args, and instead the values can be retrievd using :attr:LiteralTypeHint.valuse.

hint property
hint: object

The original type hint.

origin property
origin: object | None

The original type behind a type hint (e.g. the Generic.__origin__). For example, for :class:typing.List, it is list. For :class:typing.Sequence, it is

parameters property
parameters: Tuple[Any, ...]

The parameters of a type hint is basically :attr:args but filtered for #typing.TypeVar objects.

source property
source: Any | None

The object from which on which the type hint was found, for example a class or a function.

evaluate(context: HasGetitem[str, Any] | None = None) -> TypeHint

Evaluate forward references in the type hint using the given context.

This method supports evaluating forward references that use PEP585 and PEP604 syntax even in older versions of Python that do not support the PEPs.

:param context: An object that supports __getitem__() to retrieve a value by name. If this is not specified, the globals of the __module__ of the type hint's source :attr:source is used instead. If no source exists, a :class:RuntimeError is raised.

Source code in typeapi/
def evaluate(self, context: "HasGetitem[str, Any] | None" = None) -> "TypeHint":
    Evaluate forward references in the type hint using the given *context*.

    This method supports evaluating forward references that use PEP585 and PEP604 syntax even in older
    versions of Python that do not support the PEPs.

    :param context: An object that supports `__getitem__()` to retrieve a value by name. If this is
        not specified, the globals of the `__module__` of the type hint's source :attr:`source` is
        used instead. If no source exists, a :class:`RuntimeError` is raised.

    if context is None:
        context = self.get_context()

    if self.origin is not None and self.args:
        args = tuple(TypeHint(x).evaluate(context).hint for x in self.args)
        return self._copy_with_args(args)
        return self
get_context() -> HasGetitem[str, Any]

Return the context for this type hint in which forward references must be evaluated.

The context is derived from the source attribute, which can be either a ModuleType, Mapping or type. In case of a type, the context is composed of the class scope (to resolve class-level members) and the scope of the module that contains the type (looked up in sys.modules).

Raises RuntimeError: If source is None or has not one of the three supported types.

Source code in typeapi/
def get_context(self) -> HasGetitem[str, Any]:
    """Return the context for this type hint in which forward references must be evaluated.

    The context is derived from the `source` attribute, which can be either a `ModuleType`, `Mapping` or
    `type`. In case of a `type`, the context is composed of the class scope (to resolve class-level members)
    and the scope of the module that contains the type (looked up in `sys.modules`).

    Raises RuntimeError: If `source` is `None` or has not one of the three supported types.

    if self.source is None:
        raise RuntimeError(
            f"Missing context for {self}.evaluate(), the type hint has no `.source` "
            "to which we could fall back to. Specify the `context` argument or make sure that the type "
            "hint's `.source` is set."
    if isinstance(self.source, ModuleType):
        return vars(self.source)
    if isinstance(self.source, Mapping):
        return self.source
    if isinstance(self.source, type):
        return ChainMap(
            cast(MutableMapping[str, Any], vars(self.source)),
            cast(MutableMapping[str, Any], vars(sys.modules[self.source.__module__])),
    raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to determine TypeHint.source context from source={self.source!r}")
parameterize(parameter_map: Mapping[object, Any]) -> TypeHint

Replace references to the type variables in the keys of parameter_map with the type hints of the associated values.

:param parameter_map: A dictionary that maps :class:TypeVar to other type hints.

Source code in typeapi/
def parameterize(self, parameter_map: Mapping[object, Any]) -> "TypeHint":
    Replace references to the type variables in the keys of *parameter_map*
    with the type hints of the associated values.

    :param parameter_map: A dictionary that maps :class:`TypeVar` to other
        type hints.

    if self.origin is not None and self.args:
        args = tuple(TypeHint(x).parameterize(parameter_map).hint for x in self.args)
        return self._copy_with_args(args)
        return self


Bases: TypeHint

Represents a TypeVar type hint.

Source code in typeapi/
class TypeVarTypeHint(TypeHint):
    """Represents a `TypeVar` type hint."""

    def hint(self) -> TypeVar:
        assert isinstance(self._hint, TypeVar)
        return self._hint

    def parameterize(self, parameter_map: Mapping[object, Any]) -> "TypeHint":
        return TypeHint(parameter_map.get(self.hint, self.hint))

    def evaluate(self, context: "HasGetitem[str, Any] | None" = None) -> TypeHint:
        return self

    def name(self) -> str:
        Returns the name of the type variable.

            >>> TypeHint(TypeVar("T")).name

        return self.hint.__name__

    def covariant(self) -> bool:
        Returns whether the TypeVar is covariant.

            >>> TypeHint(TypeVar("T")).covariant
            >>> TypeHint(TypeVar("T", covariant=True)).covariant

        return self.hint.__covariant__

    def contravariant(self) -> bool:
        Returns whether the TypeVar is contravariant.

            >>> TypeHint(TypeVar("T")).contravariant
            >>> TypeHint(TypeVar("T", contravariant=True)).contravariant

        return self.hint.__contravariant__

    def constraints(self) -> "Tuple[Any, ...]":
        Returns the constraints of the TypeVar.

            >>> TypeHint(TypeVar("T", int, str)).constraints
            (<class 'int'>, <class 'str'>)

        return self.hint.__constraints__

    def bound(self) -> Any:
        Returns what the TypeVar is bound to.

            >>> TypeHint(TypeVar("T", bound=str)).bound
            <class 'str'>

        return self.hint.__bound__
bound property
bound: Any

Returns what the TypeVar is bound to.

>>> TypeHint(TypeVar("T", bound=str)).bound
<class 'str'>
constraints property
constraints: Tuple[Any, ...]

Returns the constraints of the TypeVar.

>>> TypeHint(TypeVar("T", int, str)).constraints
(<class 'int'>, <class 'str'>)
contravariant property
contravariant: bool

Returns whether the TypeVar is contravariant.

>>> TypeHint(TypeVar("T")).contravariant
>>> TypeHint(TypeVar("T", contravariant=True)).contravariant
covariant property
covariant: bool

Returns whether the TypeVar is covariant.

>>> TypeHint(TypeVar("T")).covariant
>>> TypeHint(TypeVar("T", covariant=True)).covariant
name property
name: str

Returns the name of the type variable.

>>> TypeHint(TypeVar("T")).name


Bases: Protocol

A protocol that describes #typing.TypedDict values (which are actually instances of the #typing._TypedDictMeta metaclass). Use #is_typed_dict() to check if a hint is matches this protocol.

Source code in typeapi/
class TypedDictProtocol(Protocol):
    """A protocol that describes #typing.TypedDict values (which are actually instances of the #typing._TypedDictMeta
    metaclass). Use #is_typed_dict() to check if a hint is matches this protocol."""

    __annotations__: Dict[str, Any]
    __required_keys__: Set[str]
    __optional_keys__: Set[str]
    __total__: bool


Bases: TypeHint

Represents a union of types, e.g. typing.Union[A, B] or A | B.

Source code in typeapi/
class UnionTypeHint(TypeHint):
    """Represents a union of types, e.g. `typing.Union[A, B]` or `A | B`."""

    def has_none_type(self) -> bool:
        return NoneType in self._args

    def without_none_type(self) -> TypeHint:
        args = tuple(x for x in self._args if x is not NoneType)
        if len(args) == 1:
            return TypeHint(args[0])
            return self._copy_with_args(args)


get_annotations(obj: Union[Callable[..., Any], ModuleType, type], include_bases: bool = False, globalns: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, localns: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, eval_str: bool = True) -> Dict[str, Any]

Like #typing.get_type_hints(), but always includes extras. This is important when we want to inspect

typing.Annotated hints (without extras the annotations are removed). In Python 3.10 and onwards, this is

an alias for #inspect.get_annotations() with eval_str=True.

If include_bases is set to True, annotations from base classes are taken into account as well.

This function will take into account the locals and globals accessible through the frame associated with a function or type by the #scoped() decorator.

Source code in typeapi/
def get_annotations(
    obj: Union[Callable[..., Any], ModuleType, type],
    include_bases: bool = False,
    globalns: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
    localns: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
    eval_str: bool = True,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Like #typing.get_type_hints(), but always includes extras. This is important when we want to inspect
    #typing.Annotated hints (without extras the annotations are removed). In Python 3.10 and onwards, this is
    an alias for #inspect.get_annotations() with `eval_str=True`.

    If *include_bases* is set to `True`, annotations from base classes are taken into account as well.

    This function will take into account the locals and globals accessible through the frame associated with
    a function or type by the #scoped() decorator."""

    if hasattr(obj, "__typeapi_frame__"):
        frame: FrameType = obj.__typeapi_frame__  # type: ignore[union-attr]
        globalns = frame.f_globals
        localns = frame.f_locals
        del frame

    elif hasattr(obj, "__module__"):
        module = sys.modules.get(obj.__module__)
        if module is None:
                f"sys.modules[{obj.__module__!r}] does not exist, type hint resolution context for object of type "
                f"{type(obj).__name__!r} will not be available.",
            assert hasattr(module, "__dict__"), module
            globalns = vars(module)

    from collections import ChainMap

    from .typehint import TypeHint

    def eval_callback(hint_expr: str, globals: Any, locals: Any) -> Any:
        chainmap = ChainMap(locals or {}, globals or {})
        if isinstance(obj, type):
            chainmap = chainmap.new_child(cast(MutableMapping[str, Any], vars(obj)))
        hint = TypeHint(hint_expr, chainmap)
        return hint.evaluate().hint

    annotations = _inspect_get_annotations(obj, globals=globalns, locals=localns, eval_str=eval_str, eval=eval_callback)

    if isinstance(obj, type) and include_bases:
        annotations = {}
        for base in obj.__mro__:
            base_annotations = _inspect_get_annotations(
                base, globals=globalns, locals=localns, eval_str=eval_str, eval=eval_callback
            annotations.update({k: v for k, v in base_annotations.items() if k not in annotations})

    return annotations


is_typed_dict(hint: Any) -> TypeGuard[TypedDictProtocol]


Type Description

True if hint is a #typing.TypedDict.


Typed dictionaries are actually just type objects. This means #typeapi.of() will represent them as

Source code in typeapi/
def is_typed_dict(hint: Any) -> TypeGuard[TypedDictProtocol]:
        `True` if *hint* is a #typing.TypedDict.

    !!! note

        Typed dictionaries are actually just type objects. This means #typeapi.of() will represent them as

    import typing

    import typing_extensions

    for m in (typing, typing_extensions):
        if hasattr(m, "_TypedDictMeta") and isinstance(hint, m._TypedDictMeta):  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
            return True
    return False


type_repr(obj: Any) -> str
typing._type_repr() stolen from Python 3.8.
Source code in typeapi/
def type_repr(obj: Any) -> str:
    """#typing._type_repr() stolen from Python 3.8."""

    if (getattr(obj, "__module__", None) or getattr(type(obj), "__module__", None)) in TYPING_MODULE_NAMES or hasattr(
        obj, "__args__"
        # NOTE(NiklasRosenstein): In Python 3.6, List[int] is actually a "type" subclass so we can't
        #       rely on the fall through on the below.
        return repr(obj)

    if isinstance(obj, type):
        if obj.__module__ == "builtins":
            return obj.__qualname__
        return f"{obj.__module__}.{obj.__qualname__}"
    if obj is ...:
        return "..."
    if isinstance(obj, FunctionType):
        return obj.__name__
    return repr(obj)