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slap add

This command is venv aware.

This command adds one or more Python packages to the dependencies defined in pyproject.toml. If the packages are not already installed, they will be installed into the current Python environment using Pip.

@shell slap add --help

Usage example

The below example installs httpx using Pip and adds the dependency to pyproject.toml. If your project is using Poetry as the build backend, it will add httpx = "^0.22.0" wheras if it is using Flit, the command will add instead 'httpx (>=0.22.0,<0.23.0)'.

$ slap add httpx
Installing httpx
Adding httpx ^0.22.0


Slap uses importlib.metadata.distribution() to retrieve the version of the package that got installed, or was already installed, and assumes that the module is available in the target Python environment. The module is part of the Python standard library starting with Python 3.8.

Support matrix

Build system Supported
Setuptools ❌ (dependencies defined in setup.cfg)