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slap changelog

This command provides four sub-commands that allow you to interact with Slap's structured changelog format: add, convert, format and update-pr.


Option scope: [tool.slap.changelog] or [changelog]

Option Type Default Description
enabled bool True Whether the changelog feature is enabled for the directory in which the option is configured. This is useful to disable on the root of a mono-repository that contains multiple Python projects if one wants to prevent accidentally add changelog entries to the root directory.
directory str .changelog/ The directory in which the changelogs are stored.
valid-types list[str] ["breaking change", "docs", "feature", "fix", "hygiene", "improvement", "tests"] A list of strings that are accepted in changelog entries as types.
ChangelogConfig documentation ::: slap.ext.application.changelog.ChangelogConfig


slap changelog add

Add an entry to the unreleased changelog. Given the -c,--commit option, it will also create a Git commit with the same message as the entry description, prefixed by the changelog type. If used in a sub-directory of a project, the commit message is prefixed by the sub-directory.


$ slap changelog add -t fix -d 'Fix the documentation' --issue 231 --issue 234
# Added changelog entry to .changelog/_unreleased.toml
id = "e0ee08af-ff2e-4aee-b795-e6c37e4c16de"
type = "fix"
description = "Fix the documentation"
author = "@NiklasRosenstein"
issues = [
Default changelog types
  'breaking change',
@shell slap changelog add --help

slap changelog convert

This command converts changelogs from the previous YAML-based format used by Shut (a predecessor to Slap) to the TOML format.

@shell slap changelog convert --help

slap changelog format

Pretty print a changelog for the terminal or formatted as Markdown. Use the -a,--all option to format all changelogs. This command is particularly useful to embed the changelog contents into generated documentation. For example, if you use Novella, you can use the below bit in your documentation:

@shell cd .. && slap changelog format --as-markdown --all

This is actually used in this very documentation: Check out the Changelog page.

@shell slap changelog format --help

slap changelog diff pr update

Updates the pr field of entries in the unreleased changelog. This is useful to run from continuous integration jobs to avoid having to manually inject the pull request URL into changelog entries. If you are using GitHub, try using the NiklasRosenstein/slap@gha/changelog/update/v2 action.

@shell slap changelog diff pr update --help

slap changelog diff assert-added

This is a useful command to run in CI on Pull Requests to ensure that a new changelog entry was added by the PR. If you are using GitHub, try using the NiklasRosenstein/slap@gha/changelog/assert-added/v2 action.

@shell slap changelog diff assert-added --help