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Getting started

The Baserow client provides direct access to many of the Baserow API endpoints. It must be initialized with the URL to your Baserow instance as well as a JWT or Token. Without authentication, the client may still be used to generate a JWT from user credentials.


from baserow.client import BaserowClient

client = BaserowClient('', jwt='...')
client = BaserowClient('', token='...')

client = BaserowClient('')
user, jwt = client.token_auth('username', 'password')

If you use the login() method instead of token_auth(), the JWT will be installed into the same client right away. Many of the administrative Baserow APIs require a JWT (such as listing available applications, i.e. databases, creating users, etc.).


for db in client.list_all_applications():
  print(db, [ for t in db.tables])

for table in client.list_database_tables(13):

for field in client.list_database_table_fields(45):

CRUD operations on tables can be performed with a long-lived API token that can be generated via Baserow UI (there's an endpoint as well but the Python client does not currently provide it).


is_john_smith = Column('field_281').equal('John Smith')
page = client.list_database_table_rows(45, filter=[is_john_smith])

client.create_database_table_row(45, {
  'field_281': 'Alice Doe',
  'field_293': '',

Try the the paginate_database_table_rows() method to conveniently iterate over all pages.