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This module defines the interfaces that can to be implemented for Pydoc-Markdown to implement custom loaders for documentation data, processors or renderers.

Class Context

class Context()


Context data that is passed to plugins when they are loaded.

Class Loader

class Loader(PluginBase)


This interface describes an object that is capable of loading documentation data. The location from which the documentation is loaded must be defined with the configuration class.

Class Resolver

class Resolver(abc.ABC)


A resolver can be used by a Processor to replace cross references with a hyperlink.

Class ResolverV2

class ResolverV2(abc.ABC)


New style interface for resolving based on a text ref from in the context of a docspec.ApiObject to find another. This is different from Resolver because it returns the resolved object directly, instead of some string representation of it.

Class Processor

class Processor(PluginBase)


A processor is an object that takes a list of docspec.Modules as an input and transforms it in an arbitrary way. This usually processes docstrings to convert from various documentation syntaxes to plain Markdown.

Class Renderer

class Renderer(PluginBase)


A renderer is an object that takes a list of docspec.Modules as an input and produces output files or writes to stdout. It may also expose additional command-line arguments. There can only be one renderer at the end of the processor chain.

Note that sometimes a renderer may need to perform some processing before the render step. To keep the possibility open that a renderer may implement generic processing that could used without the actual rendering functionality, Renderer is a subclass of Processor.

Class SinglePageRenderer

class SinglePageRenderer(PluginBase)


Interface for rendering a single page.

Class SingleObjectRenderer

class SingleObjectRenderer(PluginBase)


Interface for rendering a single docspec.ApiObject.

Class Server

class Server(abc.ABC)


This interface describes an object that can start a server process for live-viewing generated documentation in the browser. Renderer implementations may additionally implement this interface to advocate their compatibility with the --server and --open options of the pydoc-markdown CLI.


def reload_server(process: subprocess.Popen) -> subprocess.Popen


Called when the files generated by pydoc-markdown have been updated. This gives the implementation a chance to reload the server process. The default implementation returns the process unchanged. Returning None will automatically call start_server() afterwards.

Class Builder

class Builder(abc.ABC)


This interface can be implemented additionally to the Renderer interface to indicate that the renderer supports building another produce after the markdown files have been rendered.


def build(site_dir: str) -> None


Invoke the build. The site_dir is the directory in which the output files should be placed. Otherwise, the directory may be determined by the builder.

Class SourceLinker

class SourceLinker(PluginBase)


This interface is used to determine the URL to the source of an API object. Renderers can use it to place a link to the source in the generated documentation.