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Class CustomizedMarkdownRenderer

class CustomizedMarkdownRenderer(MarkdownRenderer)


We override some defaults in this subclass.


Disabled because Docusaurus supports this automatically.


Escape html in docstring, otherwise it could lead to invalid html.


Conforms to Docusaurus header format.

Class DocusaurusRenderer

class DocusaurusRenderer(Renderer)


Produces Markdown files and a sidebar.json file for use in a Docusaurus v2 websites. It creates files in a fixed layout that reflects the structure of the documented packages. The files will be rendered into the directory specified with the docs_base_path option.

Check out the complete Docusaurus example on GitHub.



The MarkdownRenderer configuration.


The path where the docusaurus docs content is. Defaults "docs" folder.


The output path inside the docs_base_path folder, used to output the module reference.


The sidebar path inside the docs_base_path folder, used to output the sidebar for the module reference.

The top-level label in the sidebar. Default to 'Reference'. Can be set to null to remove the sidebar top-level all together. This option assumes that there is only one top-level module.

The top-level module label in the sidebar. Default to null, meaning that the actual module name will be used. This option assumes that there is only one top-level module.