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If you only want to use Pydoc-Markdown to generate Markdown from Python code, but not use it for anything else (such as interfacing with a static site generator), you can of course do that. You can make use of the Class PythonLoader and Class MarkdownRenderer, or more conveniently the Class PydocMarkdown APIs, or use the CLI.

CLI Example

The Pydoc-Markdown CLI accepts some options that can modify the default configuration (i.e. the Python loader and Markdown renderer) and write the generated Markdown to stdout.

pydoc-markdown -I src -m package_name.module_name --render-toc >

You can also supply a YAML configuration as a positional argument that will be treated the same way as if it was loaded from a pydoc-markdown.yml file.

pydoc-markdown -m my_module '{
    renderer: {
      type: markdown,
      descriptive_class_title: false,
      render_toc: true
  }' >

API Example

from pydoc_markdown.interfaces import Context
from pydoc_markdown.contrib.loaders.python import PythonLoader
from pydoc_markdown.contrib.renderers.markdown import MarkdownRenderer

context = Context(directory='.')
loader = PythonLoader(search_path=['src'])
renderer = MarkdownRenderer(render_module_header=False)


modules = loader.load()


This does not include any filtering logic and will just render every member in your Python code.

from pydoc_markdown import PydocMarkdown
from pydoc_markdown.contrib.loaders.python import PythonLoader
from pydoc_markdown.contrib.renderers.markdown import MarkdownRenderer

session = PydocMarkdown()  # Preconfigured with a PythonLoader, FilterProcessor, CrossRefProcess, SmartProcessor and MarkdownRenderer

assert isinstance(session.loaders[0], PythonLoader)
session.loaders[0].search_path = ["src"]

assert isinstance(session.renderer, MarkdownRenderer)