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Usage example

This example is from the Novella project. It uses the builddsl.Closure class to execute a file that contains BuildDSL code using a NovellaContext object as the root closure target. This allows members of the target object to be invoked at the top-level of the script directly without explicitly prefixing the member names with self or any of the sort.

class Novella:
  """ This class is the main entrypoint for starting and controlling a Novella build. """

  BUILD_FILE = Path('build.novella')

  def __init__(self, project_directory: Path) -> None:
    self.project_directory = project_directory

  def execute_file(self, file: Path | None = None) -> NovellaContext:
    """ Execute a file, allowing it to populate the Novella pipeline. """

    from builddsl import Closure
    context = NovellaContext(self)
    file = file or self.BUILD_FILE
    Closure(None, None, context).run_code(file.read_text(), str(file))
    return context

class NovellaContext:

  def do(
    action_type_name: str,
    closure: t.Callable | None = None,
    name: str | None = None,
  ) -> None:

  # ...

Example script

do "copy-files" {
  content = [ "content", "mkdocs.yml" ]