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Dynamic name resolution (non-default)

For some purposes and applications, dynamic name resolution may be desirable, for example when writing self in front of every name to access a property of the closure target object is too cumbersome. For this, the BuildDSL transpiler can generate code that looks up, sets and deletes keys using subscript syntax on a particular variable name.

Using the builddsl.runtime package, you can configure the transpiler and runtime to use dynamic name resolution. Example usage:

from builddsl.transpiler import transpile_to_ast
from builddsl.runtime import Closure

class Project:
  def task(self, name: str, *, do: callable): ...

code = ...
filename = ...

# Long form:
module = transpile_to_ast(code, filename, Closure.get_options())
code = compile(module, filename, 'exec')
scope = {'__closure__': Closure(None, None, Project())}
exec(code, scope)

# Shorthand form:
Closure(None, None, Project()).run_code(code, filename)

The Closure.get_options() function returns TranspileOptions that instruct the transpiler to convert name lookups into subscripts on the __closure__ variable, add a @__closure__.subclosure decoration before every closure function definition and to add a __closure__, argument to their arglist. The Closure object passed into the scope on execution deals with the rest.

task "foobar" do: {
  return n_times

task "belzebub" do: {
  def n_times = 1
  return n_times

task "cheeky" do: {
  def n_times = 1
  return (() -> n_times )()
def _closure_1(__closure__, self, *arguments, **kwarguments):
    return __closure__['n_times']
__closure__['task']('foobar', do=_closure_1)

def _closure_2(__closure__, self, *arguments, **kwarguments):
    n_times = 1
    return n_times
__closure__['task']('belzebub', do=_closure_2)

def _closure_3(__closure__, self, *arguments, **kwarguments):
    n_times = 1
    def _closure_3_closure_3(__closure__):
        return n_times
    return _closure_3_closure_3()
__closure__['task']('cheeky', do=_closure_3)