Developer Documentation

Site Templates

Site templates define the structure and looks of the generated static HTML page. A site template is usually a Python script that implements at least a render(context) function. It may also implement the following functions:

The render() function, when called, must use the statigen.Context API to produce HTML pages. Below is a simple template that renders all content files with the same page.html template (not recursive).

def render(context):
  pages = context.load_content_from_directory('.')
  pages.sort(key=lambda p: (
    p.config.get('ordering', 999), p.config.get('title',
  for i, page in enumerate(pages):
    url = '/' if i == 0 else '/' +
    context.render(url, 'page.html', page=page, pages=pages)
  context.copy('/static', 'static')

Template Renderers

Template renderers implement the rendering of the HTML template files that a Site Template delivers. The default renderer expects Jinja templates. Below is a simple template that plays with the site-template displayed above.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>{{ page.config.get('title', }}</title>
    <link href="{{ url_for('/static/style.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">
      {% for p in pages %}
      <li class="{{ 'active' if p == page else '' }}">
        <a href="{{ url_to('/' + }}">{{ p.config.get('title', }}</a>
      {% endfor %}
    <h1>{{ page.config.get('title', }}</h1>
    {{ page.render()|safe }}

Content Loaders

Content loaders implement loading statigen.Content objects from a Content ID or from a directory relative to the content directory. The default loader expects .md (Markdown) files and passes the first section enclosed in +++ to TOML.

Below is an example content file which could be used with the site-template and template renderer displayed above.

title = "Home"
ordering = 0

Welcome to my first site generated with Statigen!

Content Renderers

Content renderers take the content delivered by a Content loader and renders it. The default renderer uses the Python Markdown module and renders it with all extensions enabled.