Getting Started

Installing Statigen

Statigen can be installed from PyPI via Pip.

pip install statigen

Once the installation is complete, try the following command to see if it worked:

statigen --version

Starting a project

Create a directory where you want your page source and configuration files to live in, then create a .statigen.toml file and specify your site template and title.

$ mkdir mysite && cd mysite
$ cat > .statigen.toml <<EOF
template = "default/docs"

title = "My Site"

Statigen comes with the following templates out of the box:

Now create a bunch of .md files in the same directory. The section enclosed in +++ will be parsed as TOML and allows you to define properties in a file that may be respected by the template.

$ cat > <<EOF
title = "Home"
renderTitle = false
ordering = 0
# Welcome to my page!
$ cat > <<EOF
title = "Another Page"
ordering = 1
Here's another page!

Building the site

Producing the static HTML site is as simple as running statigen from the command-line.

$ statigen
rendering build/index.html (/)
rendering build/another.html (/another)
copying static ==> build/static (/static)
  from /home/niklas/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/statigen/templates/default/docs/static